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Curso de nutricion Natural fcb.jpg


We live in a time where the focus of health is being put on nutrition. There are more and more professionals who recommend healthy eating... but what really is healthy eating? 

In the XXI century there is a high incidence of diseases and many related to poor nutrition, and at the same time there is an excess of information about what to eat that confuses.  

The course seeks to deepen knowledge about natural nutrition in a responsible and individualized way. Know what foods are healthy and how food affects in our body, mind and spirit. 

How to carry out changes and sustain them over time.

Aimed at health professionals and anyone who wants to learn more about nutrition natural

Inquiries and registration: or 1159282506.



Class 1: 

Introduction to Natural Food.

21st century nutrition.

Understand the organism from a holistic view (body-mind-spirit). 

Proteins: Nutritional characteristics of vegetable and animal proteins. Saturated fats and cholesterol: importance of their nutritional functions. nutritional sources.

Class 2:

Established fats: importance of their dietary incorporation. Immune and constitutive functions. Foods that contain them. 


Class 3:

Obesity: adipose tissue - inflammatory adipokines. Why "restrictive diets" do not work. Saciogenic foods. Food additives. Natural sweeteners.

Carbohydrates: which ones and how much?they are healthy.

Where and how to buy Food cooking. 

Class 4:

Nutritional needs of the body.

Minerals. vitamins. enzymes Food sources. Deficiencies of iron, calcium, magnesium,vitamins B and C.  Approach from natural nutrition.



Class 5:

Raw food. Acidity- Alkalinity. Food combination. Vegetarian and vegan food. toxins. How to cleanse the body leaky gut

Class 6: 

Food allergies and intolerances (dairy, wheat, soy). Replacements.

PDD: Pervasive Developmental Disorders (ADD, Autism, Asperger, etc). How different diets help. Approach to clinical cases.




Practices in the kitchen:

Vegetable burgers - Preparations with seeds and nuts (energy breakfast, gomasio, vegetable cheese) - Homemade granola - Vegetable juices and smoothies. Kefir.

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