VIDEO. Link of the class of 01/21 Functional Ophthalmology and Nutrition:
In 2001, I graduated from Buenos Aires University with a degree in nutrition. At that time I remember saying “I will never study again!”, “I already know everything about nutrition, now I'll start to work…”
But since I left university, something was spinning in my head. “Being a nutritionist is not just for people who want to lose and gain weight, nor is it just reducing salt and sugar for people with hypertension and diabetes. I knew there was something else. I was going to find out ...
The next two years after graduating, I worked as a nutritionist ' ad honorem' and at the same time I worked as an English teacher.
After working for two years as a nutritionist in a shantytown, I decided to cycle around Europe for 5 months. I traveled 6000Km along Spain, Portugal, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Italy. I finished my trip in London where I lived for 3 months. Here, I started working at Holland and Barrett, a healthy food store. I learnt about the benefits of eating healthy food such as herbs, nuts, seeds, whole foods and about how a healthy diet can prevent different pathologies.
Since that moment until today, I have been studying holistic nutrition through books, scientific articles and attending courses.
After I returned from Europe, I attended a course in a Naturist Medicine Center called Asociación Argentina de Médicos Naturistas (AAMENAT). I learned about how dairy products, wheat, sugar and processed food can bring diferent health problems, and why eating ina healthy way can improve conditions such as gastrointestinal problems, neurological affections such as Alzheimer´s disease, depression, anxiety, TGD (autism, Asperger, syndrome, ADD, among others), joint pain, headaches, fatigue, etc.
In those days in Argentine, there was a strong belief about dairy products being healthy, and no association about wheat being a probable cause of different health problems. These ideas were a beliefs have changed nowadays, there has been a paradigm shift, but many professionals and patients thought it was a far-fetched idea. But practice said otherwise: by reducing dairy products in patients with respiratory problems (such as bronchitis, bronchospasm, otitis, runny nose, sneezing, etc.) diferent symptoms disappeared or diminished. I also noticed that by reducing or eliminating the amount of wheat and industrialized foods, these patients improved and/or reversed their condition such as headaches, intestinal conditions (diarrhoea, irritable colon, intestinal inflammation, etc.), body aches, insomnia, etc, accompanied by a healthy diet such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grain food, pure oils, etc.
One day, a neuro-juvenile psychiatrist, Dr. Christian Plebst, approached AAMENAT, the asociation I was workiig in. He told us about the gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free and additive-free diet for children with autism (ASD) that was doing well in the United States. By curiosity I started to read and study again about this practice. Today noticeable changes can be seen in children who have carried out this diet (I have written somre TESTIMONIALS in this web site). They have improvements in learning, they sleep better, fewer tantrums, they socialize more, some begin to say words or speak more fluently, many begin to look into the eyes, their intestines improve remarkably, they stop catching colds so often, some are even enrolled in schools where children with no neurological conditions attend.
Each child is unique, each family too. The nutrition approach is different in each family and each child. It is important to accompany each family in their process. Each case must be analyzed idividually, because some are more intolerant or allergic to dairy products, others to wheat, others to sugar and additives. Most respond to a dietary change quickly, in others it is not so noticeable. The body must be detoxified of pathogens and toxins.
Eggs and cardiovascular risk
Posted May 08, 2018
The research, published Monday in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, is a continuation of a previous study that found similar results over a three-month period. In the first test, the participants managed to maintain their weight while some were subjected to a diet with a high content of eggs (12 per week) and others with few eggs (less than two per week), with no difference in cardiovascular risk markers between both groups.
According to Dr. Nicholas Fuller of the Boden Institute for Obesity, Nutrition, Exercise and Eating Disorders, this study supports previous research showing that egg consumption has little effect on blood cholesterol levels.
Abstract: https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/nqy048
DAIRY PRODUCTS: how can they affect our organism
For many years, dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese, butter, cream) have been recommended by doctors and nutritionists as essential foods in the diet of children and adults. Today many doctors (especially homeopaths, anthroposophics) and nutritionists (generally naturopaths) have changed their view. We are going to see why.
The most serious problem in the regular consumption of dairy products is in the formation of mucus and phlegm in the digestive and respiratory systems, given by the casein and other proteins which are poorly digested. This brings symptoms like asthma, bronchitis, bronchial spasms, ear infections, sinusitis, skin rashes, abdominal cramps, reflux, etc, which can be reversed by simply removing or reduce dairy products in the diet.
On the other hand, different to an allergy, is a lactose intolerance (a type of sugar in cow;s milk), which in many people, brings intestinal symptoms such as colic, leaky gut, heartburn. In these cases, milk and, in general yogurt, must be discontinued, since the intolerance is due to the “lactose” that is present in milk. Yogurt has very little lactose, which is why it is often better tolerated (it is also suggested to suspend it because of the number of additives it has if it is not organic)
Dairy products can be replaced by other calcium-rich foods such as almonds, walnuts, sesame and chia seeds, some vegetables such as cabbage, leafy vegetables, artichokes, cabbage, tomatoe and fruits (orange, kiwi ). Nut and seed juices of almonds, walnuts, sesame, coconut, etc. can be made. Another very important mineral important for bones is magnesium (the mineral which is most lacking in the population)
It is important to consult a professional to cover the contribution of calcium and magnesium.
Not only must nutrient content in food be taken into account, but also how our intestine is : since a leacky gut, constipation and diarrhea symptoms, colics doesn;t help us absorb nutrients.
Milk has enjoyed unquestioned healthy status for decades, but nowadays many studies show us otherwise.
One of several problems with milk begins with the practice of pasteurization. Studies have shown that calves fed with their own pasteurized mother;s milk generally die within a few months.
Why is this happening?
Pasteurization destroys natural enzymes and vitamins, as well as altering proteins.
Cow's milk is four times richer in protein than human milk. To digest these proteins, enzymes naturally found in milk are needed. Pasteurization destroy's enzymes, and excess undigested milk proteins accumulate and ferment in our digestive tract, clogging the intestines with a kind of phlegm (casein). As this phlegm increases from consuming dairy product's, the body defends itself by expelling excess mucus through the skin (acne, skin spots) and lungs (colds and mucus). Mucus which remains in our body, gives rise to infections, allergic reactions and stiffness in the joints due to inflamation.
Many mothers who have fed their children with artificial milk formulas, wonder why their child has asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, skin rashes, respiratory problems, gas, abdominal cramps. Many cases of chronic asthma, allergies, sinusitis, ear infections and acne have been and can be cured simply by eliminating dairy products from the diet.
Several researchers point out that dairy products are a decisive factor in overweight and obesity, because dairy products create a lining of mucus plates along the digestive tract and nutrients are not well absorbed . This is one of the causes we lose weight by eliminating dairy products.
Another problem with milk is the ratio of phosphorus to calcium. Cow's milk contains 97 mg of phosphorus per 100mg, compared to just 18mg/100mg in breast milk. High phosphorus levels inhibit calcium absorption.
All dairy products are very poor in essential fatty acids. The lack of essential fatty acids causes important complications, especially during the stages of fetal development and the first years of life of people.
Goat's milk is healthier than cow's milk because of its similarity to human milk, but it has shorter chain fatty acids, easier to metabolize, but also very poor in essential fatty acids.
In a study done in London, different groups of women with osteoporosis were compared. It was found that none of the groups had low levels of calcium, but they did have a lack of other important nutrients for bone formation, such as magnesium and zinc. The body requires twice as much magnesium for optimal bone formation than calcium.
60% of the magnesium reserve in the body is in the bones.
Rich magnesium sources: Green vegetables, dried fruits (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds), figs, lemons, whole grains, legumes, sunflower seeds, algaes,etc.
Rich calcium sources: All dark green vegetables and cabbages, sesame and chia seeds, dried fruits (almonds, hazelnuts), citrus fruits, sardines, legumes, amaranth, quinoa, algae, sprouts of wheat, etc.
The Bantu women of Africa are an excellent example of good health. Their diet is free of milk and yet ingest 250-400mg of calcium from plant sources, which is half the intake among Western women. Bantu women commonly have 10 babies in their lifetime and breastfeed each of them for about 10 months. But even with this huge calcium drain and relatively low calcium intake, osteoporosis is relatively unknown among these women. - John McDougall, MD
Source: The Great Fat Revolution by Sacha Barrio Healey.
Whole foods Can they improve health?
Whole foods are those found in their natural state, such as legumes, whole grains: brown rice, whole wheat bread, quinoa, millet, oats, whole grain flours (barley, rye, wheat, etc. .), seeds, dried fruits, fruits and vegetables which contain all their nutritional characteristics, and balance the proper functioning of the body.
As whole foods don't undergo refined processes, they maintain all their nutrients: vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and help maintain the alkalinity of the body: preventing the body's acidification, a state that favors the appearance of many diseases , including osteoarthritis, muscle pain or fibromyalgia, etc.
Whole grains contain the germ and bran found on the outside of the grain, and are rich in vitamin B and E, which improve metabolism. Also has minerals such as selenium, zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. In addition, they provide proteins, complex carbohydrates and vegetable fibres: they contain polyunsaturated fats that are excellent in natural antioxidants.
How do they benefit our health?
The higher fiber content of whole foods is beneficial for several reasons:
-improves intestinal transit and helps prevent and improve constipation,
-plays an important role in cancer prevention , especially colon cancer, since the particles responsible for the development of this disease (carcinogens) are dragged along with the feces, which reduce their duration and contact with the lining of the colon intestine;
-the satiety produced by the consumption of foods rich in fiber prevents the intake of other more caloric foods, an important aspect in weight loss diets and as a preventive measure against obesity;
-help reduce cholesterol levels and therefore the risk of heart disease.
-people with diabetes benefit from the consumption of whole foods, since they have a lower glycemic index than refined foods, that is, after their intake there are no high glucose peaks in the blood and the demand for insulin is less;
-lower and balance blood pressure in cases of mild hypertension.
If you are not used to eating whole foods frequently, it is recomended to increase consumption gradualy, to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort.
In certain situations, the consumption of whole foods is contraindicated: this is the case of diarrhea, outbreaks of Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, or other inflammatory intestinal processes.
Refined foods are those that have undergone special processes to extend their preservation over time –they last longer on the supermarket shelves-: they generally have added artificial components. This group includes white sugar, pasta, bread, cookies, cake dough, pizza dough and refined empanadas.
Both the bran and the germ are removed during the grain refining processes, leaving only the endosperm. This reduces about 80% of the nutritional value of the grain since the bran and germ contain most of the nutrients. In addition, the refinement process brings more probability of having degenerative diseases that are very typical of this civilization such as diabetes or alterations in the metabolism of sugars, cardiovascular diseases, overweight and obesity, etc.
Although whole foods are very beneficial for health, it is also not advisable to eat excessive amounts, especially if they are raw: this is because the fiber, which is generally removed during grinding, contains substances called phytates. Phytates reduce the absorption of several minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc: therefore, unrefined cereals and flours must be cooked before eating.
IMPORTANT: it is recommended to activate whole grains, legumes and nuts to improve digestion and eliminate antinutrients.
How to replace refined by integral in the diet?
Substitute refined grains (bread, rice, pasta, breakfast cereals, pizza dough) for the same food but whole grain. It's a change of habit.
The increase in the consumption of wheat due to its massive use in the food industry, its refinement and its genetic modification tailored to the industry, has contributed to an alarming increase in the incidence of diseases.
The number of people adopting a wheat free diet is much higher than the number of patients with celiac disease.
Therefore, not only celiac disease, but also other conditions related to the ingestion of wheat have become a real health problem .
It has negative effects on the central nervous system such as altering our behavior, can cause anxiety,depression, hyperactivity, among others. It is an “appetite stimulant”: the more wheat we eat, the more we want to eat.
When we eat less wheat; we can experience more than 80 differente benefits such as hunger decrease, weight lost, mood improves, reduced pain symptons, all gastrointestinal symptons improve, different neurological benefits, sleep improves, we experiment a feeling of well-being, etc.
Gluten is the main protein complex of wheat, barley and rye, whose main component is gliadins, a group of proteins resistant to digestion in the gastrointestinal tract.
What can gliadin cause?
- Decrease immunity
- Leaky gut (inflammation, bloating, diarrhea
- Auto immunity: attacks normal organs such as the thyroid or joints causing hypothyroidism or arthritis.
- Neurological problems (depression, anxiety, ADD, autism, etc.)
- Skin affections
- Liver disease
- Stimulates insulin in the blood (predisposing to diabetes)
- Nutritional deficiencies
Many health problems related to wheat, such as those found in the central nervous system, are related to exorphins, a byproduct of gluten. These enter the brain and bind to brain receptors that they have a similar effect to morphine, bringing neurological effects such as:
- Concentration problems
- Sleeping problems
- Mood and behaviour disorders
- Addictive behaviors
- Euphoria
- Appetite stimulation.
Each person responds in a different way.
It depends on whom, in what quantity and what type of wheat.
Gluten is one of the protein's found in wheat , it is present in several foods that we consume such as bread, cookies, dough, bills, cakes, pasta, etc.
It is an allergenic protein for, for example, celiacs who cannot consume it, but there are also very intolerant people who cannot consume it either, and others can, but in low quantities.
Argentines eat wheat in almost every meal; bread, croissants or cookies for breakfast and snacks and pasta, pizza, empanadas, sandwiches for lunch and dinner. In many people, the fact of eating so much can generate an intolerance. Gastrointestinal symptoms (such as bloating, gas, irritable bowel), headaches, fluid retention, anxiety and depression, skin problem, runny nose, lack of attention, trouble sleeping, tiredness, etc. occur.
Over the years, wheat has been modified naturally and by man intevention. Naturally, because it adapts to changes in its environment and by man to increase performance. This has caused us to tolerate it less. Nowadays wheat grain has 40 times more gluten.
Around 100 or more years ago, whole grain (bran, germ, starch) was eaten, which had better nutritional properties and provided natural fiber to the intestine. Making it a healthy and complete food.
Currently you can buy whole wheat food in naturist stores (although the grain is differente as it was thousands of years ago).
The wheat used today is refined, white. The germ and bran has been removed which help cleanse the intestine of toxins and pathogens. Bread sold as “black or bran” is generally sold as white flour to which bran has been added (is not healthy) . The ideal is to eat products with wholemeal flour.
In our society small amount of whole foods are consumed and our intestine is not used to absorbing much fiber, so it is important to eat progressively to avoid intestinal disomfort.
The body “speaks to us”. If there is something it does not tolerate, it will let us know through physical or amotional symptoms.
Each person is unique. Everyone responds in a different way to the food they eat.
We should learn to listen to our body and gradually adjust the amount of wheat you eat, depending on how you feel. Some must lower the amount, others will have to eliminate it. The advice of a professional specialized in the subject is important.
Essential vitamins and minerals come from food; therefore, an atrophy of the intestinal villi can alter the absorption of food, with its consequent nutritional deficiencies.
It is recommended to avoid foods that our body does not absorb properly, that is, those that can cause inflammation. Faced with this situation, each person has a different response.
In theory, the digestive process should proceed quickly and efficiently to get the most nutritional value from the food we eat. If there is malabsorption, undigested food can ferment in the digestive tract, leading to discomfort and poor absorption of nutrients. The most common symptoms of poor digestion can be: heavy stomach, intestinal inflammation (swollen belly), acid taste in the mouth, belching and reflux.
Symptoms of poor digestion:
Pain in the center of the chest - tachycardia
stomach heaviness
Fluid retention
Intestinal inflammation - diarrhea- constipation
Acid taste in the mouth
Belching - Reflux - Meteorism
The causes of poor digestion can be due to the following factors:
- insufficient chewing,
- by drinking large amounts of liquid with meals that dilutes the secretions (acid, enzymes and bile) responsible for the digestive process,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
-due to stress,
- by consuming foods that cause inflammation of the intestinal tract (additives such as dyes, sweeteners, flavorings present in industrialized foods: soft drinks, powdered or packaged juices)
- by consuming foods that cause allergies: proteins such as gluten and casein, found in wheat and losdairy products), soybean, corn
- lack of enzymes
The atrophy of the villi produces "bad digestion", which causes a deficit in the absorption of nutrients, called "bad absorption", especially of vitamins and minerals essential for life, that come from food; therefore, villous atrophy can alter the absorption of food with its consequent multiple nutritional deficiencies.
In the growth period (childhood and adolescence), the need for many important nutrients increases, so that the diet must be perfectly balanced, to avoid deficiencies that affect future life.
Such deficiencies can have short- and long-term consequences, from fatigue to an increased risk of chronic disease.
Reason for allergies
Partially digested proteins (eg gluten and casein) are a major factor in allergy problems. When protein digestion is not complete, the altered intestinal wall allows their passage into the blood, where they induce an “allergic response to food”. By exposing the immune system to partially digested proteins, it reacts against them producing an allergic response that occurs both in the intestinal wall, leading to irritation and inflammation, and systemically, producing skin problems, headaches, infections frequent, hay fever, asthma or even mental problems.
An allergic response can cause:
Headaches, headaches
skin reactions
Tiredness, insomnia
Lack of concentration
Anxiety, irritability
Muscle pains
Intestinal diseases (gastritis, constipation, abdominal inflammation)
How can we avoid malabsorption caused by food?
Mainly, avoid foods that our body does not absorb properly, that is, avoid foods that cause inflammation. This depends on each particular case, since each person has a different answer.
In general, pro-inflammatory foods such as wheat, dairy products, additives (in industrialized products, supermarkets), soybeans and sugar should be avoided.
Anti-inflammatory foods that protect the mucosa are polyunsaturated fats (high pressure oils, avocado, egg yolk), fish from cold seas, vegetables and fruits (knowing how to choose which fruits and vegetables because many can inflame the intestine), nuts ( activated), crushed seeds and condiments such as turmeric, ginger, pepper and lemon diluted in water as it has excellent anti-inflammatory effects.
Bachelor of Nutrition María Müller
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