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Autism is considered a  Neurodevelopmental Disorder together with Asperger syndrome, Angelman syndrome, attention deficit, ADHD, among others, in which the nervous system and neuronal connections are compromised. â€‹

Food is a key in these children´s treatment. Around 90% of all children have gastrointestinal symptoms such as constipation, abdominal distension, diarrhea, bloating. 

Gastrointestinal disorders are caused, among other factors, by the intake of foods with additives, soy, sugar, wheat (gluten) and dairy (casein), which disrupt the intestinal microbiota, and cause

pathogenic bacteria, parasites and fungi (such as candidiasis) to grow.

This alteration in the microbiota alters the central nervous system (the gut is known as the

second brain).


For this reason, one of the key is to impove the intestine permeability, to prevent the passage of toxins to the central nervous system and thus be able to improve the child´s behavior, learning abilities, their way of relating, improving sleep, reducing stereotypies, etc.


Each case is treated in an INDIVIDUAL WAY. 

Each child has different tolerances and allergies, each intestine is different, and there is no child

just like the other..

There are different types of diet´s such as GAPS,  LOW-HYDRATE, KETO, PALEO, LOW IN




Foods containing casein and gluten:


Casein is present in dairy proteins  (milk, yogurt, cheese, cream and butter) and gluten in TACC cereals (wheat, oats, barley and rye).

Many children are also intolerant to corn.

Oatmeal can be consumed, but it is genraly contamined with gluten.

Casein and gluten are peptides (simpler proteins) with an opiate like activity. Since casein and gluten have brain receptors similar to morphine, they have been named caseomorphine and gluteomorphine. These peptides which are poorly digested, pass from the intestine to the blood and reach the brain where they affect development and prevent normal behavior. As children live under an opiate saturation, the elimination of these foods from the diet improve their behavior.  


By eliminating these foods,  the first weeks, children may experience a withdrawal-like syndrome (become more anxious, hyperactive) because both caseomorphine and  gluteomorphine are addictive and they give a false sense of well-being in the body, leading to a dependency on these foods and becoming a vicious circle. 



​How to replace dairy products

To have healthy bones, other than calcium, we need many other nutrientes such as zinc, magnesium, siliceo, boron, manganese, copper, phosphorus, folic acid, vitamins D, K, C, collagen, fatty acids. Foods such as algae, wheatgrass, cabbage, broccoli, sea salt and sea water, sesame seeds, are rich in these nutrients.


Foods rich in calcium: sesame seeds, chia seeds, nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts), green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, broccoli, amaranth, etc. 

Non diary  juices can be made with almonds, coconut, sesame seeds, etc. which are rich in nutrients.

If necessary,  nutritional supplements  can be added to meet growth needs.  

All children with autism who follow the diet  feel an improvement in their symptoms: by improving learning skills, by nourishing the nervous system in a correct way. This leads to a greater  concentration capacity, they sleep better, are less anxious, etc .


The first months are difficult and not all children improve in the same way, so we have to be patient! 

The first stage, parents are often discouraged: however, once the dietary change is made, it is possible to see an improvement, and that gives strength to continue, despite of the expected ups and downs in the childrens evolution.



Foods containing gluten:


Wheat, barley, rye, oats, (TACC) and their derived products: breads, cookies, doughs,

and other bakery and pastry products, pizza, pasta, etc. 

Also chocolate milk,  instant powders drinks,  drinks prepared with TACC cereals.

It is important to read labels, since most industrialized foods are added with gluten, but it can be read under different names such as starch, vegetable protein, thickener, etc.



What is an additive?


They are substances that are added to foods and beverages with the  purpose of modifying their physical, chemical or biological characteristics (example are preservatives, colorants, thickeners, sweeteners, acidulants, etc.) . 

Many of the industrialized foods are being modified to such an extent that are harmful to our organsim.

 It is recomended to cook at home and consume natural, unprocessed foods (such as avocado, eggs, fruits, -activated- nuts, seeds, vegetables)


 What foods  can we include in a free  gluten and  casein diet and free of additives?


Before incorporating new foods,  we have to study each person, their gastrointestinal symptoms, allergies to a particular food, oxalate levels, etc. 

It is important to attend a specialized professional to plan an individual diet (forms of preparation, recipes, etc.)


The following are gluten and casein free foods:

  • Cereals and pseudocereals: rice, quinoa, amaranth, millet, buckwheat

  • Legumes: lentils, beans, chickpeas, peas

  • Seeds: chia, flax, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame

  • Dried fruits: almonds, hazelnuts, chestnuts    

  • All vegetables and fruits

  • Cold pressure oils

  • Eggs (organic)

  • Meat, chicken (organic), fish


Healthy fats are essential for a healthy brain development, as 64% of the brain is FAT!


Each case has to be adapted individually. Each child has different needs and food tolerances.






Nutrition  and Behavior and Toxic World  - Dr. Javier H. Covarrubias


Improving the quality of life of your autistic or hyperactive daughter - Dra. Leticia Dominguez 


Gut Syndrome and the Psychology of GAPS - Natasha Campbell


Breaking the vicious cycle- Elaine Gottschall


Digestive Intelligence - Dr. Irina Matveikova


Don´t read this book if you don´t believe in brain-diversity- Roberto Rosler





​ (Mexico)





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