Professional profile
Bachelor in Nutrition
Therapist in
EMF Balancing and Quantun SCIO

-Degree in Nutrition. UBA 2001.
- Argentine Asociation of Natural Doctors Member
- Member of ALAHC (Latin American Association of Health Coaching)
-Therapist ´EMF balancing Téchnique´ ( which works with the body´s electromagnetic field )
-Therapist: Quantum SCIO (works with the body´s electromagnetic field )
- Online degree in Microbiota -Regenera August 2022
- Nutrition teacher Instructor in YOGA INDRA DEVI Foundation. 2021- 2022
- LINCA Certification (Certification for health professionals in ASD: autism spectrum disorders) 2022
- Intern in Immunonutrition and Nutritional Therapy (IUMA and IEN) 2019
- Epigenetics Course: Bases of Biodecoding (IUMA and IEN) 2019
- Specialization in neurological disorders, in celiac disease, alergies and food intolerances.
- Teacher in ¨Natural Nutrition Course¨ aimed at health professionals (AAMENAT) 2015 to 2018
- ¨Courses on Natural Nutrición, Desintoxication and holistic health¨ for people with celiac disease, TGD (autism, S. Angelman, ADD), people with gastrointestinal conditions, food intolerances, chronic illnesses and anyone who wants to learn how to eat in a healthy way
- Speaker at the Congress of Integrative Medicine (AAMI) (Nov 2012) Topic: ´Nutritional approach. “Diet´s in children with ADD¨
- Speaker in Autism Congress organized by Bioabordajes del autismo and CEUPA (2015, 2016, 2017)
- Speaker at the Buenos Aires Legislature at the Conference on Nutrition for autism and developmental disorders; (2018)
- Invited lecturer at the “Childcare University Technician´ in FUNDALAM Childcare (2017)
Notes in media:
Graphic media:
- Celi &Co, Convivir; Salud Alternativa, El Cisne, Diario La Gaceta, La Nation
Audiovisual Media:
- Children[s space, ;America TV; From Life; and Chiche en Vivo;.
- Speaker at Radio Palermo (Friends of natural living) and Radio Berlin (Luis Majul- online radio)
Cycling along Argentina
Presented at the IX Annual Meeting of Nutritionists. UBA.
The educational journey was carried out by three women by bike during six months (Sep. 2001- March 2002). We started in La Quiaca heading south to La Quiaca.
We crossed 12 provinces of the Argentine West Coast and arrived at the southernmost city in the world: Ushuaia.
The twelve provinces we visited were: Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán, Catamarca. La Rioja, San Juan, Mendoza, Neuquén, Río Negro, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego.
Apart of the sporting aspect of our bicycle trip, we develop nutrition education activities in rural schools we went through.
We also talked about the program ' Move Argentina' ; (aimed at promoting health through daily physical activity) and the program ' Eat an egg a day' (a program encouraging egg consumption).