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Dr. Jean Seignalet (1936-2003), doctor of medicine, immunology and professor at the University of Montpellier,  talked about the relation between diseases and diet. He treated thousands of patients with healthy diets, and said that modern food is the main cause of contemporary diseases;, using the term; ´body contamination´; due to the accumulation of mucus, inadequate fats, toxic substances and acid waste that contaminate the body. blood and accumulate in the body, which deteriorate the tissues and organs.


Today, air, food and water are sources of toxins for the body. 

Modern food consists of the intake of refined foods, excess animal protein (dairy and meat) and wheat (baked goods, pasta), poor quality oils, sugar and sweets, processed foods and “junk” food. The body has to process these foods  leaving toxic and nutrient-poor residues.

In addition to this type of diet, we find harmful habits such as the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and a sedentary lifestyle. Agricultural practices use pesticides and the industry uses excess additives. 

Our body cells also generate waste.

Our body must deal with these toxins daily, purifying them through organs such as the liver, skin, lungs and kidneys, eliminating them through sweat, breathing, skin, urine and the feces

So much waste is generated that the purification organs become overloaded and collapse, causing the body to accumulate toxins that could not be eliminated.


En  conclusion: if we generate more waste  than we can´t eliminate, these toxins make us sick and accumulate in the body mainly in body fat (fat and cellulite accumulate toxins, “waiting to be cleansed”).


The excessive amount of toxins can generate:


Digestion problems (constipation, intestinal inflammation)

Mental confusion and apathy




Muscle and joint pain

Impaired immune system


If the body fails to cleanse itself effectively, it can lead to chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, etc.


How can we detox naturally?


- Deep breaths  

- Immersion baths

- Saunas 

- Colon cleansing 

- Intermittent fasting

- Therapeutic massages

- Healthy food

- Physical activity (yoga- walking- swimming- cycling- etc.) to move body fluids and release toxins. This moves blood, stimulates organs, and keeps joints flexible.



Some tips to help detoxify the body:


- Drink water, water with lemon, detox juices, herbal teas (instead of coffee, soft drinks and artificial juices)

- Eat more vegetables, fruits, and other foods that come naturally from the earth (nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains) 

 -Decrease the consumption of dairy products, wheat, sugar and mainly processed foods.


Always consult with a professional specialized in the subject!!!



Benefits of detoxifying the body:


- Increased vital energy (less tired)

- PH balance in the body (acidity-alkalinity)

- Improvement in the circulatory, digestive, immune and respiratory systems

- Helps the body to regenerate new cells, improving functioning throughout the body

- Increase the body's defenses, preventing diseases.

- Improves sleep

- Mental clarity

- Prevents acute and chronic diseases



We must be aware of what we choose to eat daily,  to avoid accumulating toxins in our body and thus live daily with greater energy, with more mental clarity and free from body aches and pains that we could avoid.


Source: Medicine that heals;-  Dra. Graciela Varela - Dr. Luis Detinis

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